Din hav much food lef, but I throo sum on tha grownd too slo tha dogz down. Thaz beeten evree da bi blak men so tha can hunt blak men bettr. Gona tak a lota smarts ta get awa frum them. I spent tha nit in a tre an lissend to them run clos. Tha wated at tha bottum for me til morning, barkin and groulin. I had food, so I stad poot. Mabee thad get hungree an leev me alon.
I stad up ther all da, and the dogz barkd themselvz hors! Tha pod at tha tree all da too. I wuz so skard, but I stad thar until it wuz saf. Tha dogz slept bi tha tree wen tha sun was doun a long tim, and I hurt frum staing up thar all da. I had to be kwiet. I crolled along tha big branch, then jumpt to tha next tree. Tha dogz sturd and barkt. I thot tha so mee. I throwed my pak, I wuz so skard. Hit tha wun rit on tha hed an hee fel. Tha sekund wun, tho, he kep comin, an thats wen I relized I gota tak mi gun owt.
Din wana wast bulets sins I got jus six, but I trid to am, skard this dog wuz gona bit mi throt. Mi hanz wr shaking, but I squeezed of a shot. Tha dog wimprd and fel. It wuz stil breething, but I coodnt help him. I turnd and ran into tha nit.
I stad up ther all da, and the dogz barkd themselvz hors! Tha pod at tha tree all da too. I wuz so skard, but I stad thar until it wuz saf. Tha dogz slept bi tha tree wen tha sun was doun a long tim, and I hurt frum staing up thar all da. I had to be kwiet. I crolled along tha big branch, then jumpt to tha next tree. Tha dogz sturd and barkt. I thot tha so mee. I throwed my pak, I wuz so skard. Hit tha wun rit on tha hed an hee fel. Tha sekund wun, tho, he kep comin, an thats wen I relized I gota tak mi gun owt.
Din wana wast bulets sins I got jus six, but I trid to am, skard this dog wuz gona bit mi throt. Mi hanz wr shaking, but I squeezed of a shot. Tha dog wimprd and fel. It wuz stil breething, but I coodnt help him. I turnd and ran into tha nit.