This first entry will take you to a continuing series in which I've made Peter Parker a cadet on the Enterprise-D, and he still secretly becomes Spider-Man. I'll be recreating classic villains and supporting characters, but the bridge crew will pretty much completely supplant the Daily Bugle characters. Imagine it: Captain Picard shouting "I WANT HIM OFF MY SHIP!"
This second story is a quick action-packed backstory I wrote on the spur of the moment for a character in a play-by-post game. It's set in the universe of the Star Trek reboot, in which I have recreated Cardassia.
Well, I told myself I was going to do NanoWrimo, but since I seem to have put it off for most of the month, hey, why not write more about Regin? Thing is, I chose not to continue it in first-person, but there's so much more I can do with him. I'm writing this as spontaneously as possible.