This is something I published online years ago--it's a comedic piece filled with puns and other forms of wordplay. It was inspired by "Bored of the Rings", which I read immediately before starting on it...then it just kind of flowed right out of my pen.
What Would Your Guardian Say?
This second one is a concept I came up with early this year (2009) and decided to explore to completion. It's funny too, and it also has some wordplay, but unlike Bubblegum Girl, it has a point. See if you can tell me what's going on!
The Devil You Know and the Devil Under the Rug
The third story stems from an idea which initially had no direction, but greatly amused me. Why do people have to label things as "evil" for no good reason? Why are we so easily manipulated by our need to feel superior to others? To define ourselves and be part of something bigger than ourselves?
2014 is a Christmas-themed parody of a story that we all know of, a classic novel that many have read, and the rest might at least recognize some allusions to. If not, it's just going to seem extremely weird! If you think you know what I'm parodying, please feel free to guess!
3 A.M. Eternal
Here's a concept I've been hanging onto for a while, polishing and trying to sit down and write. It turned out pretty good. I just wish I understood why my short stories are always longer than I expect, and why my novel attempts are always shorter than I want them to be! Ah well. Here's "3 A.M. Eternal". Enjoy!